Zaniar Tondro
The fate of Zaniar Tondro, 17 years old at the time, who was hit by a total of more than 40 shotgun pellets during protests against the mullah regime in Piranshahr, has moved many people worldwide. 11 of these shotgun pellets have inflicted severe injuries on Zaniar’s head and face. He has already lost his right eyesight and the vision of his left eye is only 40%. There are still 8 shotgun pellets lodged in his head, causing terrible pain among other things. He and his family were always exposed to threats from the Iranian regime and finally had to flee Iran and go to Turkey. When they were threatened with deportation from Turkey to Iran, they tried to flee across the Mediterranean Sea towards Europe. After a 6-day odyssey at sea and a brutal and inhumane push back action by the Greek navy, they ended up in a Turkish deportation camp.
Now The Munich Cirlce has managed to get them to Germany. Finally, they are safe and Zaniar can now receive proper medical care. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to the German government, the German Foreign Office and the German Ministry of the Interior. In order to adequately support the Tondro family and to successfully implement our further projects, we rely on donations. As a non-profit organization, we provide donors with a donation receipt, which they can claim for tax purposes.
Our work is only possible with the help of your donations. Thank you for your very personal commitment.
Please donate here!
Thank you very much!

Appointment at the dentist Dr. Abarghooei
Dentist Dr. Abarghooei from Munich has volunteered to treat the entire Tondro family for free at his clinic. It is a great joy to have people around who care for others with heart, intellect, and a lot of empathy, especially those who are truly in need.
A heartfelt thank you to Dr. Abarghooei.
Information on Dr. Abarghooei can be found here:
Visit to the ophthalmologist at Munich Eye
Professor Parasta from the Munich Eye Center has created a healing plan for Zaniar’s eyes that will take up to 1.5 years. In addition, Professor Parasta coordinates all necessary medical measures with other specialists.
Information on Munich Eye can be found here:
Our work is only possible with the help of your donations. Thank you for your very personal commitment.
Please donate here!